January 24, 2025
As everyone is aware, our area has just emerged from extended weeks of serious Santa Ana wind conditions, combined with record setting low humidities and extreme drought conditions. This combination of circumstances resulted in multiple system-wide outages under PSPS (Public Safety Power Shutoff) rules with Southern California Edison (SCE). These outages are designed as a last resort to reduce the risk of wildfire caused by the very conditions that we experienced.
While outages for any reason are inconvenient and bothersome, I am grateful that we did not experience the types of disastrous fires that are still burning in our state because of the winds. Our electric and broadband system, however, has experienced damage; our dedicated employees are still working to assess that damage and make timely and effective repairs.
We will experience several minor electric and internet outages as some of these repairs take place. While our crew can make several of these repairs without the need for an outage, some repairs do require the equipment to be de-energized. We will work diligently to keep such outages as brief as possible and will notify our members as far in advance as possible. Some emergency repairs, unfortunately, must take place immediately upon discovery and therefore limit our ability to send notifications.
Finally, I want to thank everyone in our service territory for your understanding, kind words, and patience as we recover from this long-term wind event. Our entire team is dedicated to working hard to earn your trust and confidence, I am honored and humbled to serve our community with such an outstanding group of people.
Kevin Short
General Manager, Anza Electric Cooperative, Inc.