Anza Electric Cooperative is a not-for-profit electric utility and any excess revenue is given back to our members (those who had service with us) as capital credits.
When capital credit checks are issued and then returned to AEC because of a bad address, the checks are voided and added back to the member's capital credit account.
After two years, any unclaimed checks can be returned to AEC (Article VII, Section 3, Part B) but before that next step takes place, AEC needs to make every effort to find our "lost" members.
Review the list to see if you or someone you know may be listed. If so, you may be entitled to capital credits.
Since many individuals have the same name, additional information will be required in order to properly identify these individuals.
If you see a familiar name, please have them complete the online form or send an email directly to AEC at providing the following information:
Complete name (First, middle, last)
Name of spouse (If applicable)
Last four digits of Social Security Number and/or Driver's License Number
Address or street name where they had electric service with AEC
Current mailing address
Current phone number
Deceased Individuals:
If the name listed belongs to a deceased individual, the executor, trustee or beneficiary may contact us via email at so that options regarding the account and any remaining balance can be addressed. In all cases, proper documentation will be required before any action is taken with the deceased's account.
For more information on capital credits and to learn about the seven cooperative principles, click here.